Tuesday 23 October 2018

Surprises Re-skinning

Surprises, some like them, some do not.

I do.

In the near future the group with try to kill Dank Vapour and all his Sons.

Dank is part of one of the players background story they wrote up.

Currently and not in the session reports one of Dank's sons has been killed and more are out there in the wilds and the clan will try to kill the player character (Charles the half-orc barbarian) as he is scene as a mark, a mark upon Nulgreth, the Blood God a Orc Deity. 

The surprise will be the Wyvern that Dank's son rides, it will be a young black dragon rules but will look blue. The surprise is it is actually a young blue dragon (using the young black dragon rules) with lightning attack and the front legs are missing, they were amputated years ago.

I will be using this model

and wanted to freak the party out when a blue wyvern starts spitting out lightning breath weapon attacks. It will be the young black dragon stats and will have to have the thing flying every time it makes claw attacks, but what the hell lets freak them out :)


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