Tuesday 29 May 2018

Session 11 of Rise of the RuneLords in 5e

Cast of Heroes
Session Nine
Session Ten

Riding down to the coast the party quickly made it to Foxglove manor, the wild life, mostly crows were eerily silent and rousted all over a old building just before the manor. They cleared the area from all the rubble and found a old water well, Mac cast light on a stone and dropped it in, guessing that it was a 40 or 50 foot drop, they continued on to the Manor. Once they finished investigating the outside perimeter they went onto the front porch and used the key they found on the ghoul that once was Rogors Craesby.

The door opened and the mildew,dust and despair and meet them at portal to this old house, a stuffed manticore just stared at them, a faint sound of a woman crying came from somewhere upstairs.
Going systematically through room to room activated the ghostly haunts waiting in each of the rooms, a choking scarf, a ghostly apparition, dancing with the same apparition, being choked by an invisible creature, frightened ghostly children all but terrified the group. In time they found and released the revenant of the person they believed to be the murderers wife.
She flew into a rage and smartly the party stood back as she ran down the hallway and stairs and begun destroying the floor on the main level of the manor. She was leading them into the unknown?

As she flung wood boards from the floor into the air, a large hole appeared in the foundation underneath the manor, a dozen feet below crude stairs were cut from the foundation of the very rocks that formed beneath them. 
Entering the darkness below, the surf could be heard in the distance and a gang of ghouls attacked the party, they were dispatched quickly.

The party entered into a large chamber, lit my phosphorous molds, they witnessed the Revenant down an incline begin battering on a stone store with goblins standing back from her. She was 25 feet down a spiral slope that followed the walls of this camber until it hit sea level. 

Charles led the charge, he fell flat on his face and slide into the wall as it curved ever so down till it reached 50 feet below in the rising and falling of the tidal waters of the Varisian Bay, the cavern floor was slick with dampness.As Toucan began to move a sound came from the cavern next to Mac.
Ulfgar changed into a dire wolf and moved past him more cautiously, just then a second pack of ghouls emerged from the camber to attack the priest and monk.

Mac was attacked and left paralyzed with fear.

Charles & Ulfgar attacked in confidence, but then realizing that the goblins did not attack her not as they were afraid but because they were undead themselves, four goblin ghasts to be correct, thinking it would be making short work of the little brutes was harder then expected.
As two fell, the Revenant was almost through the door, Toucan sprung across the water to his horror he made a large splash as he failed his acrobatics check.

Just then a screech disrupted the cavern causing ear drums to pop, only Ulfgar was damaged by this foul creatures roar but the group pulled together and took on this beast, Charles & Toucan engaged it as screams came from the room beyond,

Not only was this bat of enormous size it was also undead, a ghoul dire bat, skaveling they are called took a beating from the combined attacks of Toucan & Charles, Ulfgar turned to his dwarf self as his dire wolf part was heavily damaged in the fight with the ghasts & skaveling. The skaveling took to the air and blasted the party with another screech, this time no one was affected.

The Revenant went into the room and began arguing with someone, something? Most could not be heard as the echo from the last screech was bouncing around the cavern affecting everyone's hearing.
Once Toucan entered the room, he saw Aldern the man he saved from the goblin attack on sandpoint had been turned into a ghoul and his pet ghasts attacked the women that had led them down into this place of evil.

Once the women Revenant fell Mac dropped a fireball in the room but not before Toucan became the victim to a shadow that seemed to be trapped in a mold growing on the wall, he began licking and eating the mold.
Once the skaveling fell, Ulfgar entered the room and changed into a giant Octopus and held Aldern down till the group took his life.

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