Friday 4 May 2018

RotRL sesion nine

Session Nine of Rise of the RuneLords a D&D 5e adventure.

Cast Heroes

Farmers began flooding into Sandpoint with talk of Scarecrows attacking the lower farms south of the soggy river and east of the lost coast road. The last people to escape talked about Hambley Farm, the massacre the scarecrows inflicted on the protectors giving their lives so that the fleeing people could escape was heard miles away.

The party left Sandpoint in the morning and made it's way towards the hambley farm, they crested the hill on the prison (paddy) wagon the deputized members of the Sandpoint police department (SPPD).
The farm was in a small valley and as the group entered the high corn stocks loomed over the party ominously, Charles went on top of the paddy wagon looking over the corn and verbally steered it through the maze towards a row of scarecrows. As they approached the scarecrows the first set began to shake and struggle against the ropes that had them tied tight to the large wooden stakes that held them in place.
Two scarecrow ghasts attacked, they wore farmers clothes but also a potato sack covered their hands and ragged claws protruded from the sacks that covered the hands, while large tongues snaked out from behind the same sacks that covered the heads.

Mac joined Charles on top of the paddy wagon as a ghouls climbed the rear of the wagon ready to surprise Charles, Toucan and Ilfgar made quick of the ghast but had to stop once to calm the horses and heal a horse that almost died.
Mac was thrown from the top of the wagon taking little damage, once Charles got his legs under him made short work of the ghoul and ghast that threatened him.

This story was played out 2 more times and on the second attempt the group attacked first but one of the farms had not turned yet and was killed by a well placed javelin through the heart by Charles, the group stood in silence at this.
The final approach to the house came across a survivor (Horran), who told the group that they lead the monsters away from the house hoping that they would not find a child he hide among the upper floor of the farm house.

Horran would not accompany them, nor be left alone, into the paddy wagon he went,the barn reeked of rotting meat, slowly they opened the one of the barn doors and within witnessed a ettin and human ghoul feasting on a stone giants leg, while the giant corpse took up most of the room in the barn, Charles charged into combat followed by Toucan.
Once Mac saw the ettin claw Charles twice, he took the wand of web out and pinned the Ettin ghoul to the wall and giant corpse as a ghast landed, poorly on to it's face beside him. Ulfgar beast shaped into a giant Octopus and repeatedly held the Ettin down while the rest of the crew disemboweled the other two creatures of the night, Once the upper hand was had the ettin did not last long.

The Stone giant was alive and with a few spells cast, was determined to be not a creature of evil or good, They stabilized him  and would deal with it later.
Towards the farm house the group could see that the door was wide open and on the porch could see a cloud of fly's in the kitchen of the residence. They continued in and a human decomposing body was splayed out with the Sihedron rune carved into the body and note pinned to the body, a creak from upstairs drew everyone's attention.Later they would learn that this was indeed farmer Crade Hambley.
Slowly going upstairs Charles and Ulfgar went into the master bedroom and found a little girl being held captive of a ghoul, once it was taken care of they found a key around the neck of the ghoul (heraldic symbol of a flower surrounded by thorns) they new this was the Foxglove family crest as Aldern wore it during a boar hunt he took the adventures on. The ghoul was also missing an ear, it turned out that the it in Session Nine they found out that the caretaker of the Foxglove manor was Rogors Craesby. 40 bags of finely ground silver, valued at 25 g.p each were recovered by the adventures.

Now with Lettie Hambley, Horran and Urathos, the stone giant they made way back to Sandpoint to protect the survivors and get them as far away from the farm as possible.

Showing up in Sandpoint brought a commotion that they did not consider, that the townsfolk of Sandpoint would not take the giant in? Surviving Hambley members took Lettie into their care and Horran had no to care for him so Fozzie took him in and the debate lasted over an hour of what to do with Urathos?

In the end Kendra Deverin made a desion to allow him to stay at the old glass works building and help to rebuild it once he could find a suitable tree to make a peg leg out of.
The garrison doors were opened and the group re-stocked used gear and found each a common magic item to add some flavour to the characters, each was gifted a potion of healing and that night they rested to regain strength to confront Aldern Foxglove!

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