Saturday 10 March 2018

Gods of Golarion 5e

Let the healing light of the sun burn out the
darkness within you. Let your inner light be a
guide for others, and a searing flame against
unrepentant evil. —The Birth of Light and Truth
The Dawnflower
Goddess of healing, honesty, redemption, and the sun
Alignment NG
Domains Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun
Favored Weapon scimitar
Centers of Worship Absalom, Katapesh, Osirion, Qadira,
Taldor, Thuvia
Nationality Keleshite
Obedience The Dawnflower values the redemptive powers
of compassion and patience, and extends them to all
who might be capable of good. Offer to heal a stranger
of his wounds, either by using the powers granted to you
by Sarenrae or with a potion, scroll, or other item you
possess. Tell the stranger it is by the will of Sarenrae that
you share your healing gifts. You may also use your Heal
skill to perform this act of healing service. If you can’t
find a stranger who will accept your offer, stand beneath
 the daylight hours. Blindfold yourself
with a red-and-gold scarf and try to locate the sun in the
sky through the layers of fabric. Gain a advantage bonus on
your first Perception check of the day.
Respect the sea and the sky, lest we bring
you ruin.
—Hymns to the Wind and the Waves
The Wind and
the Waves
God of nature, the sea, and weather
Alignment N
Domains Nature, Tempest,
Favored Weapon trident
Centers of Worship Mwangi Expanse, Sargava, The Shackles,
Sodden Lands, Thuvia, Varisia
Nationality Mwangi
Obedience Hang a set of chimes where they will be stirred by
either wind or water. If no suitable location exists to hang the
chimes, you must hold the chimes and shake them gently to
sound them throughout your obedience. Chant prayers from
Hymns to the Wind and the Waves as you attune yourself to
the sound of the chimes, then drink a mouthful of pure water
and pour a handful over your head. Gain advantage on your first
 saving throws against electricity and water spells and
The clash of sword on shield is my song. I am
in your armor, your blade. Strike at your foes
and I will guide your hand, for I thirst only
for battle.
—Gorumskagat IV
Our Lord in Iron
God of battle, strength, and weapons
Alignment CN
Domains Forge, Tempest, War
Favored Weapon greatsword
Centers of Worship Brevoy, Lastwall, Lands of the Linnorm
Kings, Nirmathas, Numeria, Realm of the Mammoth Lords,
River Kingdoms
Nationality Kellid
Obedience Dress yourself in the heaviest set of metal armor you
own. Shout your oath of loyalty to Gorum at the top of your
lungs, punctuating each pause for breath by smashing your
weapon against a shield or against your armor-clad body.
After your oath is done, kneel on one knee with your weapon
resting against your shoulder. Recite your victories in battle
in a sonorous voice until the time for your obedience is done.
If you should be attacked while conducting your obedience,
slay the creature who dared test your might. (You may be
assisted by allies, but you must strike the killing blow.) Gain advantage
 on your first Strength ability checks.

Cayden Cailean
Don’t let rules get in the way of enjoying what is
truly good in life.
—Placard of Wisdom

The Drunken Hero
God of bravery, ale, freedom, and wine
Alignment CG
Domains Life, Nature, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon rapier
Centers of Worship Absalom, Andoran, Galt, River Kingdoms,
The Shackles, Taldor, Varisia
Nationality Taldan
Obedience Sing a song in praise of freedom, bravery, and your
god’s glory (and good looks). The song must be audible to
those nearby—friend or foe. Between stanzas, you must
pause to drink from a full mug of ale, wine, or other spirits.
When the song is done, drink the remaining alcohol while
mentally composing the song you will sing on the morrow. If a
creature is attracted by your song, do your best to engage it in
conversation about the merits of Cayden Cailean. If hostilities
become inevitable, leap boldly into the fight without hesitation.
Gain advantage on your first saving throw against poison.
Justice and honor are a heavy burden for
the righteous. We carry this weight so that
the weak may grow strong and the meek
grow brave.
—The Acts of Iomedae
The Inheritor
Goddess of honor, justice, rulership, and valor
Alignment LG
Domains Light, War
Favored Weapon longsword
Centers of Worship Absalom, Andoran, Cheliax, Galt, Lastwall,
Mendev, Molthune, Nirmathas, Sargava
Nationality Chelaxian
Obedience Hold your primary weapon in front of you and hang
a holy symbol of Iomedae from it. Kneel while focusing on
the holy symbol, pray for guidance and protection from the
Inheritor, and swear to follow her teachings.
Gain advantage your first Persuasion or History checks.

To transcend your flaws, you must know your
inner self. Gaining this knowledge is a journey,
and the path may be straight or twisted.
—Unbinding the Fetters

Master of Masters
God of history, knowledge, and self-perfection
Alignment LN
Domains Knowledge, Life, Tempest
Favored Weapon unarmed strike
Centers of Worship Absalom, Jalmeray, Katapesh, Mana
Wastes, Nex, Osirion, Qadira
Nationality Vudrani
Obedience Over the course of 1 hour, spend an equal amount of
time practicing with a weapon or your unarmed strikes, reading
any text that you have never read before, and braiding a length
of hair while contemplating the mysteries of the multiverse.
Hang the length of hair around your neck when your obedience
is complete and wear it for the rest of the day. Gain adavantage
on one of the following skill check, not the first, but choose one
each time the Obedience is preformed, choose Arcane, History
or Religion.  

Birth and death are written in the bones, but
bones can be broken.
—The Bones Land in a Spiral

Lady of Graves
Goddess of birth, death, fate, and prophecy
Alignment N
Domains   Grave, Knowledge, Life, Tempest
Favored Weapon dagger
Centers of Worship Brevoy, Nex, Osirion, The Shackles, Thuvia,
Ustalav, Varisia
Nationality Garundi
Obedience Collect small bones whenever it is convenient and
respectful to do so. When it comes time to perform your
obedience, lay out the bones in a spiral. At one end of the
spiral lay a slip of parchment on which you have written the
name of someone newly born. At the other end of the spiral,
lay a slip of parchment on which you have written the name of
someone newly deceased. Chant hymns from The Bones Land
in a Spiral while proceeding solemnly around the spiral, trailing
a black scarf on the ground behind you. Gain advantage with
your first attack of the day with a dagger.

Magic is all things, and in all things. It is in the
air, the stone, the flame, the water. It is time,
space, and the void. It will nurture you, it will
consume you, and always will it be your master.
—The Book of Magic

The All-Seeing Eye
God of magic
Alignment N
Domains Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery
Favored Weapon quarterstaff
Centers of Worship Absalom, Geb, Katapesh, Kyonin, Nex,
Numeria, Osirion, Thuvia
Nationality Garundi
Obedience Inscribe blessings to Nethys, arcane formulae,
and lines of prayer on a blank parchment. Don’t inscribe
a complete spell—only notations sufficient to potentially
spur a reader to study magic in an effort to complete the
incantation. At the culmination of your obedience, cast any
spell or spell-like ability or activate a spell completion or
spell trigger magic item. Gain advantage on your first  
concentration checks.

Unto each thing is given a role to play in the world
that fits perfectly with all others. With each turn
of every tiny wheel, civilization spreads to cover
the world, and order and prosperity flow forth.
—The Order of Numbers

Master of the
First Vault
God of cities, law, merchants, and wealth
Alignment LN
Domains Arcana, Knowledge, Nature, War
Favored Weapon crossbow
Centers of Worship Absalom, Andoran, Brevoy, Cheliax, Katapesh,
Mana Wastes, Molthune, Nex, Osirion, Sargava, Taldor, Varisia
Nationality Taldan
Obedience Take a handful of mixed gems, coins, and keys.
Include coins from three or more different currency systems
(such as from three different kingdoms), as well as at least
three different keys—one of which should be the key to a
lockbox, vault, or other such storage item. Kneel before a scale
and balance the items as perfectly as you can on it, removing
and replacing items in order to create the most equitable
balance of items. Randomize the items you select each time
you perform this obedience, so as not to let your obedience
become routine. Meditate on the teachings from The Order
of Numbers. Gain advantage on your first saving
throws against spells generated by creatures with a 
chaotic alignment.

Blessed is the long road, the destination, the
homeward path, and all who make the journey.
Let each dream be a bright star in the night
sky of your mind, lighting your path in the day.
—Prayer carved on a shrine near Magnimar

Song of the Spheres
Goddess of dreams, luck, stars, and travelers
Alignment CG
Domains Life, Nature, Trickery,
Favored Weapon starknife
Centers of Worship Kyonin, Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Nidal,
Numeria, River Kingdoms, Ustalav, Varisia
Nationality Varisian
Obedience Dance in a random pattern beneath the light of
the stars, trusting in the guidance of destiny. If no stars
are currently visible, softly sing or chant all of the names
of stars that you know as you perform your dance. Let
your mind expand and turn your thoughts away from
where your feet might land, allowing your steps to fall
where chance wills. When the dance feels complete, cease
dancing. Ponder the steps you took and the position in
which you stopped, and consider what portents these
subtle clues might hold for the future. Gain advantage on                                                                                                                                                     your first initiative check of the day.

The first gift you ever receive is your
family. We all grow from the seeds of our
parents’ plant.
—Parables of Erastil

Old Deadeye
God of family, farming, hunting, and trade
Alignment LG
Domains Life, Nature,
Favored Weapon longbow
Centers of Worship Andoran, Cheliax, Galt, Isger, Lands of the
Linnorm Kings, Mana Wastes, Molthune, Nirmathas, River
Kingdoms, Varisia
Nationality Ulfen
Obedience Plant five seeds in fertile earth, spacing them out
in the shape of an arrow. The seeds may be those of any
plant that can potentially grow in the region, though edible
plants are preferred. The seeds don’t need to be from a
type of plant that could thrive in that soil—all they must
have is a chance at survival. If no suitable earth exists,
place a small bundle of seeds (again, those that grow
edible plants are preferred), a small bundle of preserved
food, or a quiver of arrows in a place where a passerby
might see it. Mark your gifts with Erastil’s sign, and say a
prayer for the health and safety of the communities in the
area and those who may be in need of Erastil’s guidance.
Gain advantage on your first Survival check of the day.

Fill your heart, eyes, and mind with the beauty
of the world. Without beauty and love, we are
—Melodies of Inner Beauty

The Eternal Rose
Goddess of art, beauty, love, and music
Alignment NG
Domains Arcana, Knowledge, Nature,
Favored Weapon glaive
Centers of Worship Absalom, Galt, Sargava, Taldor
Nationality Taldan
Obedience Paint a small picture, compose a short poem or song,
dance a scene from a ballet, or create another work of art,
whispering praise to Shelyn’s beauty and grace as you do so.
The art piece need be neither large nor complex, but heartfelt
and made to the best of your ability. Gift the piece of art to
a stranger and pay her a sincere compliment as you do so. If
there are no suitable individuals around to receive the gift,
leave it in an obvious place with a note praising Shelyn and
asking whoever finds it to take it with your warmest wishes.
Gain advantage on your next Perception or Performance or                                                                                                                                      Persuasion check for the day.

Aim high, plan well, and strike while the iron
is hot, for unprepared metal shatters from a
hammer’s blow.
—Hammer and Tongs: The Forging of Metal
and Other Good Works

Father of Creation
God of the forge, protection, and strategy
Alignment LG
Domains Forge, Grave, War
Favored Weapon warhammer
Centers of Worship Druma, Five Kings Mountains, Lands of the
Linnorm Kings, Mana Wastes
Nationality dwarf
Obedience After reciting a traditional prayer to Torag, either
work at a forge or strike a small replica of an anvil or a
sizable flat stone with a hammer for at least 10 minutes. If
the sound of your hammer draws a creature near, encourage
it to join in your worship of the Father of Creation. If
hostilities become inevitable, leap into the fray with a battle
shout in praise of Torag. Perform some small act toward
maintaining your weapon, such as sharpening or polishing
it, as you conclude your obedience with another prayer to
Torag’s might and wisdom. Alternatively, if you have created
something through this effort, grant it to the next person
you meet who strikes you as fair and honorable. Gain advantage
on your first attack of the day.

Savor the three stings of passion, guile, and
vengeance. No food you ever taste and no thing
you ever build will satisfy you as much as my gifts.
—The Book of Joy

The Savored Sting
Goddess of lust, revenge, and trickery
Alignment CN
Domains Knowledge, Trickery
Favored Weapon whip
Centers of Worship Absalom, Galt, Kyonin, Nex, The River
Kingdoms, The Shackles, Taldor, Varisia
Nationality elf
Obedience Engage in sexual activity with another individual
in exchange for money, information, or another valuable
resource. This must be a willing act on both your parts; you
should not endanger yourself or otherwise enter a situation
that makes you uncomfortable. Pray aloud to Calistria before
and after the act, and encourage your partner to do the same.
If no suitable partner is available, wrap yourself in yellow
silk and hold your holy symbol against your chest. Meditate
on the teachings of Calistria and fantasize about taking
vengeance against one who wronged you. Gain advantage on
your first Charisma-based skill check when interacting with an
intelligent creature that could be sexually attracted to you.

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