Friday 3 October 2014

4TH Edition World Building

The Races of Kyrnn,

Mountain Dwarves

The mountain dwarves exist largely apart from the rest of the world, they have not been scene since the cataclysm. They come from the clans of Hylar (The oldest and most noble of the clans.), Daewar (Highly respected clan known for fighting skill.), Neidar (craftsmen and adaptable) and Klar (introverted but very well respected for reasoning).

Hill Dwarves

The hill dwarves are dwarves that have been ignore and left to die from the underground dwarven lands to live in and trade with the world at large. They are described as more accepting of the other races. They all belong to the same clans at the original Mountain Dwarves Neidar, Hylar, Daewar and Klar , and have a feud with the mountain dwarves, whom they accuse of having blocked them from entering the mountain kingdom after the Cataclysm.

Qualinesti elves

The Qualinesti elves are ones who decided to follow Kith-Kanan, the younger of Silvanos' grandsons, to a new land with the promise of social equality and more interaction with the outer world. The turning point for this event came with the Kinslayer Wars, where elves of Silvanesti fought humans and elves in service of the Emperor of Ergoth, to expel Ergothian forces from Silvanesti's western border lands. After the war, Kith-Kanan decided to leave for the western lands, followed by his closest friends.

Kith-Kanan founded the Qualinesti realm based on the premise of freedom and equality, naming himself the Speaker of the Suns, founding a Tower of the Sun in the capital city of Qualinesti, Qualinost.

The Qualinesti elves prefer not modifying the trees in which they live. Instead, they construct buildings based on the form of the trees, giving their cities a slightly twisted look. The qualinesti have a broader contact with other races, including trading agreement with the hill dwarves of the plains, humans of Ergoth, Tarsis and Istar (before the Cataclysm).

Kagonesti elves

Also known as wild elves; elves that are attuned to nature, and considered barbarians by the Qualinesti and Silvanesti. They sport tattoos in different parts of the body, including the face, usually symbolizing their close relationship with nature.

Contrary to the Silvanesti and the Qualinesti elves, the Kagonesti prefer living in the natural caves and trees, and never build unless the situation forces them to. In addition, they dismantle anything that is unused, in an attempt leaving the land as they had found.

The Kagonesti are considered slaves by the Qualinesti elves. However, the Silvanesti consider them belonging to House Servitor, the lowest class of social status.

Eladrin or Silvanesti elves

In the beginning of time the original elves, fearing the mountains where the evil ogres lived and the plains where the short tempered humans were settling, decided to adopt the woods as home. After battling the evil dragons with the help of the gods of magic, the realm of Silvanesti was founded and named for Silvanos, the first leader of the elves.

As time developed, the Silvanesti elves became more secluded, stopping contact with the other races. Their society divided into different castes, creating a social discrimination that ultimately led to the division of their realm into the Silvanesti and the Qualinesti elves. By the leaving this realm ages ago and learned to live in harmony in the Feywild. They have never been scene since, till 300 years ago.

After the Cataclysm Eladrin could enter are realm, some stayed others left. By the time the Qualinesti Elves were about to wipe out hundres of thousadns of humans,Dwarves,Halflings,gnomes the Eladrin used the opportunity to bring trade from the Feywild in food and seeds to stop the Age of Strife

The main building is the Tower of the Stars where the king of the Silvanesti, known as the Speaker of the Stars, lives. It is settled in Silvanost, the capital of Silvanesti.

The Silvanesti elves believe themselves the Firstborn of the gods. Using their magical powers, they twist the trees in the region to shape them into structures of marble and silver.

Other races,

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