Thursday 30 May 2019

Gaming Group History part 2

Group #6
How a simple mall visit turned into a gaming adventure.
I ran into two old friends from my warhammer and hobby business days. I would sell comics to a store in the county and he would in turn do the same back when we needed extra comic books for customers files. They played warhammer and we would meet up once in awhile to hang out and play warhammer.
The small reunion turned into a car pool adventure to drive almost an hour out of town to play D&D 3.5e. It lasted almost two years.
Memorial occurrence
-When the gnome rogue failed two chances to beat the control of a magic sword, by rolling two consecutive rolls of a 1. The character left the campaign as they were mind controlled.  
-I have very found memories of using Dungeon Magazine to it's full potential with this group, dropping side quests and main quests using only Dungeon Magazines.

Paul,Doug,Reuben,Brett,Added Joe a few years later
Group#6 stopped playing for the summer and I received a email about getting back together but minus two players.
We started the game but with Pathfinder and after finishing book 2 of the Carrion Crown adventure path, politics pulled the group apart and I walked away. My mistake was listening to the wrong person, other factors were part of it but it is what it is.
Memorial occurrence
Just Doug being a great and fun loving person, I miss him.

Group #8
Brett,Walter,Andrew,Joe,Reuben, Adam (my son) joined the group.
Joe left for the birth of his daughter, returned months later and left again for the birth of his son, then left again with the birth of his second daughter. Adam, joined the group. Ota joined for four months during his stay in Canada.
We stopped playing Carrion Crown adventure path with group#7 and started up in book three with two co-workers of Joe's (Walter & Andrew)
Adam (my son) joined the group with the start of book five and then I had my break down (not a real one), just that I could not give the group a challenge) and Brett took over as the DM for book five.

After that we tried D&D 4e, but moved onto d&d 5e after only a few sessions as everyone (the internet) said it was better.
I played books 1&2 of Pathfinders Kingmaker with my sons group, ending in a TPK. My sons second group had half the same people and we played D&D 4e and they graduated and we ended the game.

I do enjoy the easy of play that D&D 5e brings to the table. But the groups 6,7 & 8 only played three or sometimes twice every 2 months, not a great amount of gaming TIME was done but it was fun.

Memorial occurrence
-Playing Sinister secrets again but in 5e, running all three U series books and combining it later with Giant slayer adventure path for Pathfinder but in D&D 5e.
-Having fun again
-Making it to level 13 was a nice triumph. 

Group#9 and current
Ryan,Adrien,Adam,Nick (left the game),Andrew (left the game),Mike (left the game) and Joe was added later. Other Ryan is are sub.

This is my current group, we have been only been together since mid 2017 so it is getting to a 2 year anniversary very soon.
I willingly stopped group#8 due to reasons, some political, some selfish.
With this group I played not DMed. I waited till people started dropping off and in time took over the reigns with the left over players but told everyone we are gaming twice a month, the other groups played every three weeks or four, not this one, I selfishly wanted more. I still want more gaming but 24 sessions a year is good for now.
Now sitting at four players with a sub in when people can't make the game makes it easier to run, with my last group six players in Pathfinder bogged the game to a slow moving pace mixed with a slow progress took 3 and half years to finish a campaign.
Currently we are level 10 (soon to be level 11) I plan on getting them to level 14 or 15 and ending the campaign for another system.
This group is consistent and by adding in a substitute player, it has helped with gaming.

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