Wednesday 24 July 2019

3D printing

Why should I do this with a projector is so easy?
Cool factor?
Awe factor?

Sitting in my Paypal account is more then enough money to purchase the 3D printer I need , but as always I need to get rid of physical material that I have in my gaming room.

Broke up my Cryx army into five lots to try and sell, posted just the jack heavy one, if it sells that pays for my 3D printer and I will buy it. Then sell the other 4 lots as it will make more space for the printer and what I print. Next would just move onto the next army to split and sell.

I would start printing Dungeon terrain for my D&D game mainly for boss fights and cool factor as with a projector an entire dungeon is not needed.
Next step is to start printing terrain for tabletop miniatures games and sell them locally to make my money back on the printer, so a goal of $300 sale, not difficult to achieve. The fear factor is if I make it make in a few months of starting to sell it that I make diuble back and want to buy another oneπŸ˜‰

I do not need this printer I should not buy it, but I will 😏

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