Sunday 22 July 2018

Session 12 of Rise of the RuneLords in 5e

After the Destruction of The Skinsaw Man the group found a letter (posted below), a key, treasure and one in the group pieced together from a painting of Iesha the background city looked like Magnimar, the City of Monuments!

Returning to inform the Mayor that the village would not be bothered by the ghouls and that Aldern was indeed the person behind the attacks and he himself was the master Ghoul, they packed up and headed off to the next piece of the puzzle.
Arriving in Magnimar they proceeded to try and find the Foxglove Townhouse, setting upon a few taverns the information was not forth coming and they started to get frustrated until they came across Pug's Contraptions, the cages the infected rats were being held in., he pointed them in the right direction.
The building it;s self is three stories tall and every window on the ground floor is boarded up, they did not even hesitate walked up and knocked on the front door. Iesha Foxglove herself answered the door.

After a few words she began crying and Aldern Foxglove himself answered the door and demanded who they were? and why are they here?
A few short words later they all sat down to Tea and explained everything that had occurred,  Iesha fled upstairs in tears of the Foxglove named sullied as much as they claimed. Ulgar excused himself to consul Iesha.
As the rest of the group explained to Aldern the rest Ulgar was set upon a faceless stalkers that was hiding in the lavatory, Iesha in turn transformed to a stalker and set out to silence Ulgar permanently.
Ulgar sped down the stairs in a transformed Dire wolf chased by the two faceless stalkers as Aldern in turn transformed into a stalker as well. Ulgar took the most beating being forced back into hir natural dwarf form.    

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