Approximately November 2015
Session 11
– 6th Level Half Orc Monk
– 5th Level Tiefling Warlock, 1st Level Wizard
– 5th Level Dwarf Cleric (Missed Session)
– 6th Level Human Rogue
– 4th Level Human Paladin (Missed Session)
– 6th Level Aquatic Elf Fighter
party met up with the alliance of lizardfolk, merfolk, and koalinth. The plan
the groups agreed on was that the lizardfolk, merfolk, and koalinth would
attack through the water entrance of the lair in order to draw most of the
sahuagin warriors to that entrance. During this attack the party would execute
another assault from the top entrance and push down to the lower entrance.
However the party learned that Hamoot was captured after leading a scouting
party to the lair. The merfolk gifted the party with two scrolls of water
breathing, two scrolls of tongues, and two potions of alter self which can make
people who drink it look like sahuagin. Gaspar and OceANUS drank the potions
and used the scrolls of tongues so they would look like sahuagin and speak
their tongue. They escorted Thane and Baphomet to the surface entrance of the
lair as prisoners. As the group entered they found five sahuagin guarding the
door and another portcullis further in, which acted as a secondary checkpoint
which had five sahuagin on the other side. The portcullis was raised and once
the entire group was across, Thane kicked the quick release on the crank,
scream “THE JIG IS UP” and started the attack. The group made quick work of the
five guards while the other five sahuagin watched helplessly from the other
side of the portcullis. Once the group killed the guards, Baphomet color
sprayed the sahuagin on the other side of the portcullis which blinded them.
Once they were blinded, the group raised the portcullis and killed the other
five guards. The party piled up all the bodies in a corner and hid the alarm
gong under the pile.
group, still attempting to use their prisoner disguise, lit a torch and made
their way through the hallway furthest to the left. While in the darkness
Gaspar realised that he lost his dark vision after drinking the potion. While
going through the hallway they came to a dark room and heard shuffling in it.
OceANUS, who still looked like a sahuagin, called out to the room, but got no
reply. The group entered the room and found two sahuagin in the room. Gaspar
told them they had to bring the slaves to this room, which resulted in the
sahuagin demanding who gave the order. Baphomet screamed “THE JIG IS UP” and
the group attacked and killed the two sahuagin. The bodies were stuffed in a
corner and the group continued down the hallway. They got to a point where
another portcullis was blocking their path forward so they had to turn right
which lead to very large and lit room where 8 sahuagin were training. Baphoment
cast slow
on 6 of the enemies and the group charged in. OceANUS charged in
first and took on allot of hits while cutting down the sahuagin. Thane and
Gaspar followed in behind him laying waste to the sahuagin. Baphomet stayed
back and threw fire bolts at three sahuagin which were going around the group
to try and attack him. During the fight Gaspar and OceANUS’s potions wore off
from failed concentration checks and it was revealed that Gaspar had turned
into a human from a side effect from the potion. Gaspar and Thane then left OceANUS to fight a
sahuagin captain to help Baphomet. Baphomet then cast invisibility and followed
Thane around giving him advantage so he could sneak attack. He also ran into a
side room from the barracks to find an armoury with allot of weapons and two
large storage rooms with various mining tools in it. The other three party
members killed off the last of the sahuagin, but one ran off into the hallway
that the group came from. Thane went to kill him, but before he could the
sahuagin screamed intruders. After Thane killed him he turned around the see
that there were now two sahuagin standing on the other side of the portcullis and
they began to raise it to come attack the party.

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