Approximately September/October 2015
Session 8
Grey Fish now known as Gaspar – 5th Level Half Orc Monk
– 4th Level Tiefling Warlock, 1st Level Wizard
– 5th Level Dwarf Cleric (Missed Session)
– 5th Level Human Rogue
– 5th Level Human Paladin (Missed Session)
– 5th Level Aquatic Elf Fighter
group went to the town guard station to interrogate the two lizard folk that
the town guard captured. The town trade master Sildar told the group that the
lizard folk revealed that they plan on attacking Phandalin, which contradicting
their earlier statement that they were going to war with shark people. The
group readied their crew and set off to eliminate a lizard folk tribe. They
arrived at the mouth of the river leading inland to the swamp, dropped anchor, and
set off in a rowboat using the cover of night. After reaching land and making
their way into the swamp they were ambushing by a group of 4 bullywugs. After
killing three of them, another group of 4 and a weird giant slug creature
attacked from behind. Oceanus charged to face the enemy and Thane downed his
potion of fire breath and focused his breath weapon on the slug creature. One
of the bullywugs ran into the swamp attempting to escape, but Gaspar knocked
him unconscious with a well-placed dart. Gaspar went to retrieve the
unconscious bullywug and noticed a chest there which he kept to himself. The
group took the bullywug back to rowboat, and then back to their ship where they
interrogated him. From him they learned that the bullywugs and many other swamp
creatures were leaving the swamps as the lizard folk had become too aggressive
lately. They also learned about the chest that Gaspar kept secret. Within it
they found 550 gold, 5 rubies, 2 cool stones, an Ioun stone, a baseball cap,
and a +1 shield. The group decided to wait till the next night to assault the
lizard folk lair.
next night the group evading 4 lizard folk patrols, each consisting of 10
guards. Upon arriving at the lair, they found 2 underwater entrances and a
hidden door. They decided to make their way into the hidden door, sending Thane
to scout ahead. Thane found a small guard station consisting of 4 lizard folk
and a giant brute one. The rest of the group snuck in and sent Thane and Gaspar
in first. Thane killed the brute and Gaspar kept the door they were guarding
shut in anticipations of more lizard folk being on the other side. After their
cover was blown, Oceanus charged in and Baphomet lit the lizards up with his
eldritch blast. After the guards were killed Thane opened up the door Gaspar
was blocking, only to slam it shut after seeing 8 lizard folk on the other side
who formed a phalanx. Baphomet misty stepped into to room and unleashed his
darkness which blinded the lizards. Thane charged into the darkness hoping to
kill one of the lizards. 4 of the 8 lizards made their way into down a hallway
and flanked Gaspar and Oceanus. After missing several strikes Thane ran out of
the darkness to aid the flanked party members. The group’s effort was enough to
kill 7 of the lizards and take one alive. They did a quick search of the rooms
they had been in and prepared to leave the lair to recover… TO BE CONTINUED!

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