Approximately happened June/July 2015
Grey Fish – 4th Level Half Orc Monk
Grey Fish – 4th Level Half Orc Monk
– 4th Level Tiefling Warlock
– 4th Level Dwarf Cleric
– 4th Level Human Rogue
– 4th Level Human Paladin
the group had finally conquered Tresendar Manor they were assisted by the
citizens of Phandalin in removing all of the stolen goods from the Manor and
redistribute it to the rightful owners. During this time the party learned of
many quests that they could embark on from the citizens. Just as they finished,
terrified towns folk ran by screaming that the red cloak bandits were
attempting a last ditch effort to retake the manor. Hamoot and Grey quickly took to the trees
while Thane hid in a bale of hay and Baphoment climbed to the top of a bell
tower. Five bandits approached the ambush site as well as two bug bears and the
group’s leader, a drow only known as Black Spider. The battle kicked off with
Thane assassinating the first bandit to approach the bale of hay and Grey
leaping down from his tree to strike. Baphoment started to throw down magic
missiles from the bell tower and Hamoot cast silence on a rock near the drow. A
local paladin named Gabriel quickly came to join the fight and cut down one of
the bandits. The paladin’s daughter came to help the group, but was killed by
Black Spider. Baphoment threw fire bolts and Hamoot shot crossbow bolt at the
bandits while Thane and Gabriel fought the bug bears. Grey went to fight the
drow who turned invisible before grey could attack. Baphoment heard the door of
the bell tower open and looked down to see Black Spider at the bottom.
Baphoment cut the rope around the bell which plummeted onto Black Spider.
Baphoment turned into mist and floated to the bottom of the tower to join the
rest of the group. The door to the bell tower opened to reveal Black Spider had
survived and he proceeded to turn invisible. Hamoot cast faerie fire at Black
Spiders last known location which helped the party locate Black Spider. Gabriel
charged in and dealt the killing blow to the drow who turned into a
doppelganger upon death. The group managed to capture one bandit and the town
guard also captured three that they found hiding in the woods. Gabriel went to
hold a funeral for his daughter while Thane and Grey brought the bandits back
to the manor and attempted to convince them to work for the party. However,
once Thane and Grey left, Baphoment sacrificed the tied up prisoners to his
god, The Great Old One.

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