Tuesday 1 January 2019

The Road ahead

The Road to retirement is a goal I have not stopped thinking and talking about for the past 18 months.
My current 10 year plan is to save for 5 years for my second sons education and the next 5 years to save for remodeling my kitchen. That will leave me at the age of 56, if I stay till age 60, it will only be to get more money for my old age pension from my government.

But what about my gaming plans?
I can not game during the week due to my schedule and Sunday is my only day to game. I have to game at home and my wife hates it, she accepts it, but wishes it was done else where.

My 10 year gaming plan? wow, what a question. So lets see,

First off finish my current D&D 5e campaign in 14 months, ending at 16th or 17th level.
After that I will run a second campaign ending at or around 15+level.

So right now I have 4 campaigns to finish by the time I reach fifty seven, I need to have four more campaigns under my belt.

When I official retire I will open my door to a second weekly game and plan the next 10 years.

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